Seagate PCB 100720903 Failure

PCB failures (Such as Seagate PCB 100720903) affect thousands of hard drives every year and often result in permanent data loss. A hard drive may suddenly fail to power on, and a computer may not detect that it is plugged in. Some failed hard drives will also show up in computer BIOS with incorrect brand/model information. PCB failures can also cause physical issues such as read/write head failures, and many PCB failure symptoms overlap with the symptoms of other physical hard drive issues.

Some emails from customers of Seagate PCB 100720903 failures are listed below, along with tips for replacing & repairing.

Seagate PCB 100720903 Failures:

Q: Samsung ST1000LM025 USB TO SATA

Model ?ST1000LM025 ?PN:/HN-M101ABB/EXA. CPU :88I9422-NDB2 ?. USB Chip: JMS577. PCB Info :100760718 rev.c replace to sata ?CPU:88I9422-NDB2. PCB info : 100720903 04 PCB label Rev.7

Q: Samsung Error

The drive came with clicking noise 1st GreyErr Patient HDD ST1000LM024 DOM 02 2014 PCB 100720903 03 DONOR HDD ST1000LM024 DOM 09 2014 PCB 100720903 04 After swapping heads, it’s producing following message S_0PreampError EPOK UDed PK_4 C 0 H0 LED 2A01 LED 2A01 LED 2A01 LED 2A01 Usually, it indicates PCB IS NOT NATIVE But I confirmed that the PCB is native Can it be damage rom? Or customer is lying? Any

Q: Samsung USB to SATA PCB Compatibility

Hello,Samsung USB to SATA PCB Compatibility USB -> SATA100725482 -> 100720903 ..known 100740633 -> 100739392 .. known 100760718 Rev C -> ?????PCB no 100760718 Rev Cunable to read Sectors Please reply .Regards,Alex

Q: Samsung USB to SATA PCB Compatibility

Samsung USB to SATA PCB Compatibility USB -> SATA100725482 -> 100720903100740633 -> 100739392100760718 Rev. C – > ?????unable to read Sector .Please reply.Regards,Alex


Good Moorning, First of all, sorry but I am from spain and I don?t have a good english I am not an advanced user I have an Samsung HDD 1 TB with this dates Model ST1000LM024 PN HN-M101MBB/AV2 FW 2BA30001 PCB number 100720903 04 The hdd was broken 2 years ago with important personal data I can?t pay for a proffesional recovery company so I bought an hdd as a donor with the same model, PN, FW an PCB The hdd had Clicking, it runs but not is recognized by the BIOS, ubuntu

Q: PCB 100760718 REV. C Help

a PCB board I am attempting to fix I have a 100760718 REV C pcb that is from a student’s hard drive where I work (Seagate ST1000LM025 / HN-M101ABB/ESA) The pcb usb 30 micro port was completely busted and now I had attempted at a donor pcb 100720903 03 and I have swapped the firmware chip but the drive doesn’t spin at all The main chip above firmware chip does get warm when I attempted to power the hard drive I was hoping for assistance if possible on some further steps others with

Replacement Seagate PCB 100720903:

To repair a failure board, the simple way is swapping the failure board with a replacement board. Donor boards on are listed below:

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