Seagate PCB 100710248 Failure

PCB failures (Such as Seagate PCB 100710248) affect thousands of hard drives every year and often result in permanent data loss. A hard drive may suddenly fail to power on, and a computer may not detect that it is plugged in. Some failed hard drives will also show up in computer BIOS with incorrect brand/model information. PCB failures can also cause physical issues such as read/write head failures, and many PCB failure symptoms overlap with the symptoms of other physical hard drive issues.

Some emails from customers of Seagate PCB 100710248 failures are listed below, along with tips for replacing & repairing.

Seagate PCB 100710248 Failures:

Q: HDD PCB Swap questions:

Hey everyone!So I recently made the stupid mistake of plugging in the wrong AC adapter to my external hard drive, frying the PCB. I went and ordered an identical Hard Drive [Samsung ST4000DM000], and was hoping to swap out the PCB, and replace the firmware chip.I’ve encountered a few issues so far:For starters, the PCB firmwares don’t match [identical drives, different manufacturing dates, etc], so I’m most likely going to have to order from a PCB website [I’ve found the identical model here.I attempted to swap the PCBs anyways [probably a foolish move], and the hard drive spun up and was recognized by my computer! Granted, of course, it appeared as a non-forumated drive, and my PC wanted me to format it before using it.My question is:if I were to perform a quick format to render the drive usable…would it be possible to use data recovery software to pull what I need off the drive? Or would I be better off just waiting a few weeks to have the PCB sent back and forth and getting the firmware chip swapped?Thank you in advance for all your help!

Replacement Seagate PCB 100710248:

To repair a failure board, the simple way is swapping the failure board with a replacement board. Donor boards on are listed below:

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